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    Canberra’s No 1
    Digital Marketing Agency

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If you want your business to be competitive and professional then you need a strong and powerful website that is properly integrated, easy to find and suited to the needs of your customer. Sale generation and credibility come with a good website, but there are 5 other key factors for why you should get your website designed by a professional web design company in Canberra.

A truly custom design

When you hire a web agency to design a website for you, you will get a truly custom design that is suited to your business and optimised for your customers to use it with ease. The web designer will evaluate the needs of your business and will use their expertise to create a site that actually works for you.

Easy navigation

A properly designed website will be easy to navigate and user-friendly. Your customers do not want to search for information and you shouldn’t make them. A professional designer will be able to make your digital marketing in Canberra platform far easier to navigate.

Using new technologies

The internet changes all the time and the next new technology is always round the corner. Whilst you may not be aware of new functions that can boost your sales, it is the job of your web designer to integrate these new technologies to give you the best advantages.

Search engine compliance

Search engine optimisation is essential to get your website to the top of google and other browsers. If you can get to the top then you will get more traffic to your site and this all begins with the website. Your professional website designer can help you to create a compliant and effective website for SEO.

Ongoing maintenance

No matter how good your website is it will continually need to be updated. An agency specialising in digital marketing in Canberra is the perfect solution for this because they can provide ongoing maintenance without eating up your time and without great costs. Bringing this in house will be less effective and generally costs more.

To find out more and get your website design in Canberra underway today, contact us here (https://www.canberraweb.com.au/index.php/contact-us).

Launching Canberra Businesses

Web Design

Essentially the cogs that drive your website, web development deals with how your website works and how your users get things done.

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Arguably the most vital part of any website, Search Engine Optimisation ensures your website can be found on the search engines.

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Google Ads

Need to give a boost to your organic SEO efforts? SEM, Search Engine Marketing or Google Ads gives your products and services the kick they need.

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Web Hosting

With over 600+ companies hosting with us, we have the hardware and experience to ensure your website is in safe hands.

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Successful Landings

google rating 5 stars

  • Duncans Plumbing


    "Canberra Web upgraded our website to the latest responsive design and have increased our search rankings to the top of Google.
    Thanks Again for the great work."

    Jason Duncan

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  • Universal Tile Ventilators


    "The best decision we made was to engage Canberra Web. Canberra Web created exactly what we wanted for our website. They really listened to what we wanted and created an eye catching website which shows who we are and what we do. We had an marked increase in enquiries after updating. Canberra Web are also very knowledgeable with Search Engine Optimisation, rocketing our website to one of the top ranking in our field."

    Kevin Baker

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  • Happy Days Amusements


    "Our previous website was past its use by date, we needed to update. The way business is today you need to stay ahead of the rest. Canberra Web have certainly built us an excellent website making it very easy for our customers to use our services, getting increased results."


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  • Gungahlin Concrete


    "We needed a website that exhibited our professionalism in the Canberra region, Canberra Web has certainly done that. Thanks for the great job."


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  • Jester Coffee


    "We approached Canberra Web to develop an online shop. This website is working very well for us we would recommend them to anyone."


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  • Pevitole Constructions


    "Dear Canberra Web, Today I had my first enquiry from a customer, that found us via website. Great news and thanks."


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Blast off with Canberra Web!

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